Thursday, December 15, 2011

Shadow and Light

I would like to quote what Vincent has said to me yesterday night. He said, "It's just like light and darkness. The closer you come to the light, the bigger your shadow is."

I don't know where he got that from but i like the idea of it. :D
We were talking about some other things but what struck my mind was that this illustration truly shows us and God.

The closer you go to God, the clearer you can see your sins and how dark it is compared to the glorious light from Jesus. The more you know God, the more you know how much grace and mercy He has poured forth for you. The closer you get to Him, the more you wonder how foolish it was for you to want to stay in the darkness previously. The closer you get to Him, the more you realize how fallen you are that nothing but the sacrifice of Jesus Christ can save you from all of those.

How blessed i am. :)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

An act of kindness touches deep

First of all, this urge of posting is inspired by a little show of kindness to me from a friend whom i'm not really close with. I'm touched by her gesture, her generosity and so, i want to thank her here! Lye, i know you probably won't read this, but thank you! :D

And so, i want to thank the rest of my friends who are here when i need help or support. *getting emotional dy* Thank you for all of the thoughtfulness, the helps, the HELPS, the supports, the concerns etc. I deeply appreciate all of them and i will not forget them. ;)

In my previous post, i was pretty in a down state. Don't worry about it. I'm now alright! :)) More than alright i suppose. Hehe. The day before the competition, it was so terrible we felt we lost all hope. I was just thinking of going up and not to embarass ourselves only. So, in the morning of the competition day, we finally whipped up some simple mash up. (This is UPSI Got Talent competition, whereby it was opened to all UPSI students. Held in auditorium)

Before going up stage, i was pretty nervous. Really prayed to God and then performed. It was so scary, seeing the crowd but the shouts from friends really cooled me down. We didn't have a rehearsal using mics etc so there're so many technical problems. My guitar couldn't really be heard because i didn't know how to turn up the volume and i didn't know how loud it should be. Same goes to my mic. I thought it was already very loud so i drew further away from it, but after listening to the video, i realise i can't really be heard! Ugh! Wasted..can't really hear the harmonization! haha!

But anyway, when the result was being anounced, starting from the tenth place, we really thought we're not going to get anything at all when it reached the 3rd place because our group was still not called and the 3rd place is Kevin's team and they were so so good! So when they announced our name, i was like, "You serious ar? I don't think it's us la". When Syazza stood up, i wanted to tell her that i think we heard wrongly. But the judges looked at us, so i was like..omgeeee, is it really us?? Lol. So we got RM100 and a trophy! Still can't believe it.

Anyhow, life is back to the routine again i guess.Time to face assignments and tests! :)) God bless everyone!!

Friday, December 9, 2011


God doesn't need our money. He wants our devotion. God doesn't want our gifts, presents. He wants our obedience. I was feeling rather stressed and depressed. Due to certain few things. I was feeling rather frustrated already due to the terrible practices we had and i seriously have no idea how its going to turn out tomorrow. To also feel like a statue, said to be adored yet not being interested enough to be cared, i was feeling really....terrible. Anyway, i reflected this statue situation and i felt a pang of sadness in me. How many times have i done that to God? It's not things He want from me, He just want me. He wants me to seek Him. He wants the intimacy. And now i understand at least a little (too little still) of how that feels and how much it hurts Him. Forgive me Jesus.